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Sina von Flüe

Study program and project management


What Makes Us Unique?

Diverse Methodologies.

In our training programs you will find modular, hybrid and also classic, presentation-based approaches, because our methodology is geared to the needs of the participants and the different learning contents. So you'll find exactly the training format that meets your needs. And fits into the agenda.

Joy of Learning.

Continuing education can be so much more than chasing the next diploma. In a university setting, you will meet people who are passionate about their topics and issues, as lecturers, researchers and also lifelong learners. It is this joy of learning that will shape your continuing education even more than the content.

Research Quality.

The University of Zurich is one of the world's leading research locations, especially in economics. Our continuing education programs also benefit from this proximity to research. Current results from ongoing research enter into a constant dialogue with questions from practice, thus ensuring the relevance of the learning content.

Make Zurich your campus?

Zurich is a city that consistently ranks at the top of international city rankings in life quality. This is partly due to the fact that diversity is lived and nurtured in Zurich. The University of Zurich pays special attention to gender equality and the inclusion of people from very different backgrounds. Because we have learned not only to learn with each other, but also from each other.

Diversity in action

Zurich and its university pay special attention to gender equality and the inclusion of people from very different backgrounds. Because we have learned to learn not only with each other, but also from each other.

Courageous thinking

There is a reason why Zurich is the center of the Reformation. Even today, the university protects the freedom that courageous inquiry and the constant pursuit of the truth necessitates. Because we have learned that it is freedom that allows us to continue to educate ourselves.

Inspiring Networking

Zurich is a hub of great ideas, innovative people, and organizations. The University of Zurich and its continuing education programs make this network accessible to its students. Because we have learned that great things are created by working together.

And what is your question?

Contact Sina von Flüe

Sina von Flüe

Program Director and Project Management