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This course provides an introduction to basic Placemaking models and tools.
In recent years, an international movement called "Placemaking" has been established that systematically examines the success factors of vibrant urban spaces and neighborhoods and shows what can be generalized and transferred to other situations. The Placemaking approach differs from conventional planning and project development approaches in particular through the strong involvement of local actors and an iterative rather than linear understanding of planning (microinterventions, prototyping, observation and learning processes). This enables the effective integration of otherwise separate professional dimensions.
The practical course with the Dutch Placemaking pioneer Hans Karssenberg offers an introduction to basic models and tools of Placemaking and shows with concrete examples how the Placemaking approach can be used to ensure optimal value, needs-based justice and local anchoring in area developments and area transformations - which also reduces the risks of vacancy, image damage or political blockades.
The Placemaking approach combines three professional dimensions:
The course is aimed at representatives of the public sector, civil society and private sector actors from the fields of Architecture, Project Development, Real Estate Portfolio Management, Property Management, Politics, Public Administration and Socio-Spatial Development. Approaches relevant to the different perspectives will be deliberately highlighted and discussed.
You know the three dimensions of Placemaking.
You know concrete instruments and approaches to action in order to create lively places in the long term, even in more peripheral locations.
Interactive walk-throughs and exercises allow you to experience the taught theory content for yourself using examples and exercises.
You will establish contacts with other course participants and local actors.
Real Estate & Urban Management
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