How can we be more climate friendly in construction?
Our answer
The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at the University of Zurich deals precisely with questions like this. Here is a look at current work and activities in this context.
Will the canton of Basel-Stadt meet the CO2 targets for residential buildings?
In his thesis for the Master of Advanced Studies in Real Estate at the University of Zurich (2019), Michael Mettler was able to show that the new energy law of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, which was passed in 2016, is indeed suitable for achieving the goal set by the legislature of reducing per capita CO2 emissions to 1 ton by 2050. However, the calculations, which are based on empirically collected data and the "stochastic modeling" method, also show that this cannot be achieved with efficiency measures such as thermal insulation alone, but that it will also require the 100% replacement of the heat generator, as required by the legislator. Click here for the complete master thesis of Michael Mettler:
Net zero in old buildings? It works!
More climate-friendly, cheaper and leaner: With amazingly simple approaches, an old building can be trimmed to net zero. On January 19, 2022, the winners of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's Watt d'Or 2021 Michael Mettler (CEO, Mettiss AG) and Martin Meier (Managing Director, einfach gut bauen GmbH) discussed with Leta Bolli (CUREM) how low-tech solutions can be used to refurbish existing buildings for energy efficiency - in a short construction time and at relatively low cost. Want to take a look right now?
From the real estate industry to the circular economy
From "take-make-dispose" to "reduce-reuse-recycle": The real estate and construction industries are among the most resource-intensive sectors of the economy, which is why they have a key role to play in improving resource efficiency. Buildings can be seen as a valuable storehouse of raw materials. How can it be achieved that the value and quality of the materials are recognized and preserved? On January 20, 2021, subject matter experts Marloes Fischer (Circular Hub), Julian Kommer (Drees & Sommer) and Rolf Truninger (QualiCasa) discussed possible solutions with Leta Bolli (CUREM).
Our offering: MAS in Real Estate
An investment in your success
The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich offers ambitious professionals and managers from the construction and real estate industry the Master of Advanced Studies UZH in Real Estate. The program provides you with a comprehensive, scientifically based and internationally oriented picture of the real estate industry. The aim of the program is: 1. to close professional and methodological gaps, 2. to expand your network, 3. to provide you with a scientifically sound, integrated as well as internationally oriented picture of the real estate industry, 4. to sharpen your judgment and problem-solving skills in the constructive confrontation with various scientific disciplines, professional traditions and real-life tasks. Graduates are not only able to correctly apply existing industry knowledge, but also to independently develop positions or take on intellectual leadership roles. You will sharpen the collective intelligence of the real estate industry in association with other participants. To the offer